Postgraduate Course in Oceanic Engineering, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Naval Engeneer, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
2000 – FAROLATINO Group (www.farolatino.com)
President, CEO, Co-founder
– (2015/ ) Responsible of commercial relations and the completion of a strategic Alliance and investment with the tech company Revelator (leading cloud-based provider of sales and marketing intelligence for independent music professionals)
– (2005/ ) Responsible of relations with Google Inc. /YouTube, turning FaroLatino into YouTube’s global partner to manage and monetize third-party video videos in YouTube.com (The videos managed by FaroLatino in YouTube currently surpass a billion videos seen per month).
– (2006/2012) In charge of relations with Chinese music labels
– (2006/2009) Responsible for relations and negotiations with the Government of the People's Republic of China which concluded with the authorization of the presence of the site FaroLatino.com in Chinese cyberspace.
– (2002/2003) Design and coordination of “La Cocina de Arte”, a system oriented to the promotion, distribution and sale of Microsoft DRM protected audio tracks.
– (2000/2012) Responsible of relations with Microsoft Inc., which allow FaroLatino’s website to be present as an integrated online store in Microsoft’s Windows Media Player in the three Americas, China, Russia, UK, Australia, Spain, etc.
– (2000/2003) Responsible of commercial relations with SADAIC (Argentine Society of Music Authors and Composers), and the completion of a strategic alliance that allowed the first massive digitalization of Argentinean music to take place.
1995 – 1999 FARO BUENOS AIRES Group (www.farobue.com)
1994 – 2000 BANK Inc. Executive Director, CEO, Founder
– Creator of the first e-commerce music website in Spanish.
– Responsible of institutional relations with SADAIC (Argentine Society of Music Authors and
Composers) that leaded to create the first Digital Legal Frame in Latin America
– Implementation of the Liquid Audio technology for the broadcasting and selling of digitalized music, preserving both artists’ and producers’ rights; achieving the honor of being the first company to provide this service in Spanish.
UTE BANK Inc. – FAINZAIG partner. Development of a document managing system. On the year 2000, Fainzaig sold his share to Bank, Inc.
1989 – 1991 Naval Architecture researcher at the Universidad of Buenos Aires.
Native language: Spanish.
Speaks and writes in English and Portuguese.
Studies and has experience as an actor. Performed in plays and films.