- Diversion: Music helps us prevent the mind from unpleasant thoughts which often take over our mind It diverts our mind from negative energy to positive energy.
- Discharge: Music can discharge us from the bad memories. It helps us to get rid of an unwanted feeling or memory.
- Mental Work: Music can also bring nostalgia, sometimes we can associate a song with anecdotes and old friends. It can take us through the beautiful moments in our lives.
- Consolation: When we are disappointed music forgot all our problems momentarily
- Becoming a Better Listener: Music makes you a better listener. We listen to the voice of the singer, the beats and the notes and the symphony and the moment we are able to distinguish between the different sounds we hear we are on the path of becoming good listeners.
- Make Better Decisions: Learning music or listening to it can help you make better decisions as it improves focus and concentration.
- Develops Patience: When we play an instrument it usually takes years of practice and patient listening to perfect it. This practice develops patience in us.
- It Reduces Stress & Makes You Healthier: When we listen to music we can forgot the stress in our life. It helps uplift our mood. Stress is the worst form of negative energy, we can fight that with music.