Vince has been collecting and recording traditional Irish music for more than forty years, some of his collected works are now housed in the National Archive of the National Irish Music Organisation Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann. He has produced and presented “The Blackberry Blossom” a radio programme of traditional Irish music and song on NWRFM. He has recorded and broadcast from New York and London. Currently Vince produces and presents “Cois na Tine” a programme of traditional music and song on Ocean FM. He has researched and produced three one hour recordings of the music of the travelling people grant aided by the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland.
A singer of traditional songs he has toured and performed with the Merchant Group in Ireland, USA, Hong Kong and Australia. He has managed the Comhaltas Tour of Ireland and the Tour of Britain. He has researched and delivered papers on The History of the Irish National Anthem, The Origin and Development of Irish Traditional Music and Keening, A Celebration of Death.
Until recently Vince was the Development Officer for Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann in the North West of Ireland and was instrumental in the development of branches of the organisation as far afield as Argentina and Finland.