Independent Artists: Build An Online Community Of Fans
Times are tough, and it’s all easier said than done but hey, who said it can’t be done! The biggest blessing today is access to the internet: a free-for-all platform to express and showcase our talent. That spectacular Instagram page you’ve created for your band is a gold mine that can foster an online community around your music. All you need to do is share your social media handles with as many people around you as possible, and encourage them to share your socials with their friends and like-minded people around them. Gradually, you’ll begin to see the snowball effect doing its trick. Read on to know how to spruce up your pages.Make a playlist of all your best songsMusic fans LOVE to discover their next musical obsession. Here’s your chance to capitalize on that. After all, you deserve to be discovered! Create that awesome playlist of all your best songs. Spotify it, YouTube it and share it on the social media handles you’ve been developing. Feed your online community with the power of your music, because they need to hear you. Remember, fans take great pride in discovering cool new music every day.Go live with your rehearsal today Rehearsing at home today? Pull out of your phone, hit live on Facebook and play the songs you want your online community to see. Give them a real-time experience to know what you sound and look like! Believe in the music you’re making, and make your community experience that euphoria in you. Chances are that there’s an agent or a host somewhere in your local scene looking to book the next best talent. You ARE that talent. A DIY photoshoot is all you need: hello Instagram!Here’s the fun part: ALL you need is a smartphone, literally, just that. This is especially easy nowadays where most smartphones come with great cameras. Find a great location in your house ( backyard maybe?), do your shoot and post those pictures on your Instagram. Don’t forget to use the stories feature for behind the scenes footage and bloopers. It’s your time to shine!Get in touch with bookers online for future shows: Facebook has you covered!Every venue has a designated booking agent, and every venue has a Facebook page. The easiest way to reach out to local venues is to look through their bio and find their contact information. Shoot them an email with your social media pages. The reach you have gained over time will now pay off, bookers love acts with a good online following. Go out there and chase it.Sign up as a Fan today with youbloom:
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