There’s £25K out there, with your name on it. Yes, you… you the aspiring artist. You the songwriter, right there sitting on the end of your bed with relentless harmonies running through your head. And it’s not just for you… it’s for bands, guitarists, directors, DJs, producers, innovators, dreamers.
Music Gateway are giving it away. If you’ve never heard of them here’s the low down. Music Gateway is an online platform where creative project managers/owners can meet their artistic dream team. It’s a cross between linked in and a dating agency, except it’s for the music, gaming, film, advertising and general multimedia business.
This is how it works. You’re the songwriter. You want to get your latest heartfelt lullaby into the movies or an advert. You create an account, write a sparkling profile, post examples of your work, experience to date and location. Mr. Miramax Music Supervisor then posts his project description, budget and requirements. You find him or he finds you. You pitch on his project for free, start a conversation. Let it develop. He decides he wants your latest heartfelt lullaby. You agree terms, a nominal commission is allocated to Music Gateway depending on the deal (but no royalties are taken, that stays with you!) and off you go…. Oscar nomination on the way.
Sounds simple ? Well in reality it is. There’s a few more terms and conditions on the site, but no show-stoppers.
So, the generous souls at Music Gateway have decided to invest £25k in aspiring artists. They want you to log in, create a profile and tell them a bit about yourself. Tell them your goals, your plan, your plan B. Whatever it takes. They will endeavour to help advise, support & promote your careers on the site through projects they post on Music Gateway. They are looking after you to make sure you get the best kickstart to 2015.
The site is There’s a whole lot more about the Music Gateway crew we haven’t covered yet, that’s for another day. If you want a bite at this £25K cherry, get yourself on the site and start connecting.
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