MY FIRST TIME: youbloom | HEADROOM #7: with Featured Artists from the Los Angeles 2015 Music Festival
Researchers have discovered that most of your earliest memories are lost to the eroding forces of time by the time you turn 7. Since most adults don’t retain recollections from before the age of 3, that means that you’ve got four good glory years in childhood where only the best times come out of the memory dump unscathed by this childhood amnesia.
Not surprisingly, the memories you do still hold on to from this period are associated with events and experiences that so profoundly shaped who you would grow up to become that they’re literally unforgettable.
For those who’ve gone on to identify themselves with the unpredictable medium of music, the impressions that music first made on their gonzo little kiddie brains feel like they happened just yesterday. Artists from five of the bands playing the upcoming youbloom LA 2015 Music Festivalshare theirs with us for this Lucky Number Seven edition of HEADROOM. Do enjoy the trip down memory lane. 🙂
Alper (guitar, backing vox, Aigua): “My first experience with music was setting up drums made out of pots and pans to play along with songs on TV.”
Danielle (lead vox, Aigua): “My first experience with music was definitely in the womb, where I was introduced to The Grateful Dead and various other jam bands and genres of music. My earliest (actual) memory of performing was bouncing around my grandfather’s music room with my cousins, dancing and singing to the first NOW CD.”
A Turkish-Brazilian duo with a new twist on latin sounds firmly in their crosshairs, Aigua deliver sweet, sparse melodies in their signature laid-back way. Expect a set that will refresh your ears after a long day of gig-hopping. Beautiful work. For fans of: Sufjan Stevens, Maia, Rodrigo y Gabriela
Victoria Scott (lead vox, The Blue Dolphins): “When I was very little my Dad had an amazing collection of LPs called Rock Revival, an anthology of rock and roll with about 8 discs in the set. They included songs by Otis Redding, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, The Angels and The Rolling Stones…to name a few. It was heaven. My sister and I would dance around the living room to those songs. Of course, we wrecked my Dad’s LPs with our clumsy child hands picking up and putting down the needle of the record player with a bump. I really regret that now.”
The once acoustic-driven sound of The Blue Dolphins has evolved, blending clear, pretty vocals with south-of-the-border, surfy sentiments, and something altogether harder to pigeonhole. Unabashedly succinct, feel-good tunes from a duo who, from the sounds of it, are just getting started seeing what they can do. For fans of: The Sleepovers, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, a sweeter, less fuzzy Mika Miko
Damessa (power vox, Crvscxnt Moon): “My first singing lesson wasn’t until I was 10 years old. I was fresh meat at a performing arts school (Osceola County School for the Arts). I enjoyed every moment of it. (It’s where) I learned the basics of music.”
Whip smart and acerbic, yet feel-good and uplifting, this is a group with cunning musical abilities and a tangible desire to venture beyond the well-tread environs of intellectual hip-hop. Crvscxnt Moon blend soul and gospel into a refreshing helping of music with something to discuss. For fans of: J. Cole, Blackalicious, Mr. Lif
Carolina Plaza (composer/vox, Carito Plaza): “My romance with music start when I was 17 years old and my classmates from my new school forced me to sing in the Voice Festival; my first time in front of a crowd. I was a very shy girl; so nervous I was shivering…but I won and I never left the stage after that.”
Jazzy and sensual R&B is given the latin treatment in the hands of the very talented Carolina (“carito” means little Carolina) Plaza. A capable collaborator, but strong enough to stand alone,her music is danceable, infectious, and smooth. For fans of: Aaliyah, India.Arie, a one woman TLC
Jonas Gerigk (guitar/vox, DENMANTAU): “My parents took me to a music festival when I was 12 years old. I saw bands like The Prodigy, Iggy Pop, Staind and my favorite childhood German punk band Die Ärzte. I had listened to rock music before but this festival made me feel the rock’n’roll lifestyle! The smell of weed and beer everywhere; happy, drunk and dirty people all over; everyone dancing and enjoying themselves in a peaceful way. I was fascinated by the positive group vibe and the idea that we all came together for the sake of one thing: music! It made me realize that music causes a harmonic connection within all of us and it’s been my dream to play in festivals ever since.”
They arrived in Los Angeles on a mission: to be the biggest band in the world. German born and bred, they’ve honed their chops and are stopping at nothing to share their tight, bohemian, insanely danceable music with every pair of ears from here to the moon. Set to be a highlight show at youbloom LA, you really need to see these guys. For fans of: the good Pearl Jam stuff, Jack Penate, Paolo Nutini
What about you? Is your first memory musical? Or did something stand out in later life that brought music into focus for you? Share with us in the comments below.
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