- Could you tell us a little about your music and where you are from?
I am an afro pop afro dance hall artist, songwriter and performer. Originally, I am from a Nigerian base in South Africa.
- Have you previously partnered in any way with other artists? If so, could you tell us about that?
I have not partnered with any artist outside of youbloom.
- What inspired you to match and comarket with other youbloom artists?
Because of my goal of booking gigs and expanding my brand, matching and comarketing appealed to me.
- Has comarketing with other artists with youbloom grown your fan base?
- Would you like to perform together with artists with whom you have comarketed?
Yes, I would love to perform with Mizdrea and Spred the Dub.
- Would you like to collaborate in song writing with artists with whom you have matched and comarketed?
Yes, I would love to collaborate with the artists I comarketed with.
- What do you think the future holds for artist partnering in general?
Artist partnering is going to help artists in the future expand their reach and cross platform promotion.
- Would you consider giving us an artist matching/comarketing testimonial we can share with other artists and fans?
Yes, I got more recognition through artist matching/comarketing.
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