Interview with Dreaming of Jupiter
Dreaming of Jupiter may seem very relaxed, but they have had an incredible year with a hectic touring schedule. Dreaming of Jupiter played several times in Dublin and London, and are branching out as far as Madrid. They have also released their debut single “Let me down” earlier this week from their upcoming EP. If that wasn’t enough, they have much more on the way for their fans to be looking forward to. Dreaming of Jupiter have share some of their secrets and experiences of their success, and also reveal what they have in store for 2018. How did you come up with the name of the band? Zoe: It came pretty naturally, like Dave and I would be pretty nerdy about space. We are interested in space, space exploration, space movies and all that stuff. We initially conceived the name of the project even before we just before we met Sam, or maybe just after, even before the band was properly formed.“It’s a really nice thing to go into a trance and watch a really cool space movie”
The reason for the name of the band, when we were gigging alot at that time. With different bands, getting home really late sometime, we used to throw on space documentaries to kinda chill out. When we get home, trying to kinda wind down from a really busy night. It’s a really nice thing to go into a trance and watch a really cool space movie. We particularly felt intrigued by Jupiter for whatever reason. I think that movie Europa report, it’s a very interesting movie, where a group of astronauts tried to go to one of Jupiter’s moons called Europa. On a quest to try to find life, because they believe there’s water on this moon, and if there’s water, there could be life. The whole human race is kinda dreaming of Jupiter, somewhere we can go, we don’t have to stay here. That’s kinda where the conversation all started, seems kinda abstract conversation to have, we used to talk about that alot. In Barcelona, how was the local reaction to hearing some Spanish in your songs, were they surprised? do you think it make it easier for them to sing along? Dave: The Spanish lyrics comes from Zoe, who is a fluent speaker after living there for quite a few years. From the initial conception of the project, we always knew we want to target a Spanish market as well, obviously that would be a very cool thing to include south America and parts of Europe as well. I think the Spanish lyrics is nice, because it often comes across as a better surprise to people for being more than they had expected, also possibility making it easier to stick inside the head. Even though we haven’t officially released anything with Spanish on Spotify. People who have come to the gigs, they actually do remember the words. You see them in the crowd, singing along. Having played in, Ireland, UK and Spain recently, where would you like to play for 2018? Dave: We are looking at to pushing out, more to UK and to Germany. We are hoping to get back to Spain as well, and Mexico at some point.“there’s a showcase going to be done this year of Irish music over there”
Zoe: In Spain, we are definitely interested in Barcelona, especially with the Primavera music festival that happens there every year. That would definitely be a target we would really like to achieve, that opportunity to represent the emerging. At this festival, there’s a showcase going to be done this year of Irish music. We would really love to be part of that. Based on our experience we have had so far, London is definitely somewhere we feel quite happy and quite at home there. Having played some pretty big gigs and we also did a couple of solo gigs there as well, and all of them have been amazing. We definitely want to keep that going and we are growing a fan base there, and we are very grateful for that. Outside London, Manchester is definitely somewhere we are interested in, because the director for our last 2 videos is based there. We are really excited about the new video coming soon, for our new single “Let me down”. I think that’s going to be really visually, just beautiful, beautiful film that he has put together. We are looking forward to putting that out, and of course we would definitely love to go back there, and play there too. With some of your lyrics in Spanish, how hard is it to write it? Do you do it yourself, or done collectively? Is there alot of switching back and forth between languages? Zoe: It’s very much a collaborative effort, we all sit down together, certainly the music idea comes together as a group. The lyrics generally, most of them I would write them myself, I’m one of those people that always jotting ideas, keep a notebook on me. Eventually I will have a notebook the size of a bedside locker if I wake up in the middle of the night with ideas, wherever I am, I’m always scribbling ideas The lyrics would be mostly mine, but that’s not to say they just tell stories that is just about my life, that’s not the case, we talk a lot, and we are very close as a band, and we are very close friends as well, we share our thoughts and experiences. Usually I might be the one writing the lyrics down but it wouldn’t be necessary that I’m just reflecting my own experience.“I would never force one language over another”
For any part of a song to be written in Spanish or even a whole song, I would never force one language over another. The nature of being bi-lingual you don’t necessary choose the language you think about, it depends on what you are thinking about, or who are speaking to. I wouldn’t sit down and write this in Spanish to hit the Spanish market really hard. Honestly, I would write it in a more organically, that’s not to say I don’t considered the audience I’m writing. I have no shame of saying I absolutely do, but I wouldn’t be so contrived that I’m directed to writing it in one language over another. There’s a couple of songs that we do live that moves in and out of both languages. Congratulation on having one of your songs featured in a well known Irish television series. With the new single being release, the timing for this feature on television was impeccable, was this meant to happen?Zoe: We just got the news that we are going to be featured, like about a week or two before the show was aired. As fantastic as it was, it was pretty quiet, it was a small picture, nothing too crazy. No, that was not pre-mediated or organised in any way, we were just as shocked as everyone else.
“We were chuffed that we were chosen”
With lots of our peers also selected, we weren’t overly surprised that an Irish band was picked. Plus the music from this series tend to be from Irish bands. We were chuffed that we were chosen, as we have only worked for a short time together. We were very happy to be placed along side with other bands who have been around for a long time. What are the plans for 2018? Obviously, we have just release the new single “Let me down” , available on all major platforms. This is the first single released from our upcoming EP, the plan is we will release the EP before the summer. A nice video to come out in the next couple of weeks for our single “Let me down”. We also have a cool remix coming out with a top secret dj using the new single “Let me down”. We have 4 shows coming up in the UK, hoping to keep branching out with new shows in Spain and maybe as far as Mexico