Makings Artist Matching/Comarketing Interview
Irish based band Makings has comarketed with Loss and Dreaming of Jupiter. Here's what they had to say about their experience:
"youbloom comarketing has been a great experience for Makings, helping us grow our fanbase and build contacts in previously unexplored territories" Makings
What do you think the future holds for artist partnering in general?
We believe the future is very bright for artist partnering. It allows independent artists to grow their fan base around the world without the huge marketing costs of having to do this through other means. With millions of independent artists around the world, doing this in a very deliberate way can level the playing field somewhat when it comes to independent vs signed artists. Independent artists can band together and make their own destiny and opportunities via partnering, working together & hosting shows together.
What inspired you to match and co-market with other youbloom artists?
Comarketing is something we actually did naturally in the past so we were able to identify with it straight away. For example, a lot of the time when we share the stage with other artists we will always mention them and post songs from them on our socials. So when we heard that youbloom were doing this in a very structured and deliberate way this was a no brainer for us. We love promoting music we like and if we can grow our fan base and make some new musician friends along the way, that can only lead to great things down the road.
Has comarketing with other artists with youbloom grown your fan base?
It most certainly has, and this would be a huge benefit of comarketing. What we really love is the way it can grow your fan base in a completely new country. So yes, we are looking forward to one day playing a show in Brazil and have people from that country already know Makings songs .
Could you tell us a little about your music and where you are from?
Certainly, I'll start with where we are from. Although our main base is in Co. Louth, we are a mixed bunch with members from Ireland, Scotland, Argentina and USA which we believe is a contributing factor to the unique sound of Makings. Over the years our music has evolved from acoustic folk-rock to 80s style'd synth-prog till what we are now which is a combination of all these styles with rap & hip-hop added to the mix. If I had to give describe it in a sentence I would say we are 'Electro-Rock with Rap on Top'
Have you previously partnered in any way with other artists? If so, could you tell us about that?
Yes we have so far partnered with two groups using the youbloom platform. Our first was with a Brazillian band called Loss and the second time was with a fellow Irish group called Dreaming Of Jupiter. We found it a very refreshing experience as we loved the music from these groups. We also find that as well as exposing our music to new territories and fan bases you are also making new friends & work relationships with fellow musicians which can only be for the future musical endeavours of everyone involved.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
Makings really love their food , so if you ever drop past our base in Co Louth you need to try one of our slow cooked stews ;)
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