Increase Exposure and Support of Artists with youbloomConnect As a Fan, with youbloomConnect, you can help increase exposure for Artists in many ways. To start off, youbloomConnect reaches out to an audience that loves live music performances, so it isn’t based on specific genres. It could be hyperpop, or just classic folk music. What does matter, and what could push expansion of the Artist’s Fanbase, is requesting them to play in your city. In order to set up a live performance to show more people your favorite Artists, you actually need to request the Artist to come to your city. youbloomConnect does have a hand in helping after the request comes in, but that responsibility is mainly given to the Show Creators. They are the ones who provide the opportunity for the Artist to set up their performances. This venue depends on what the city has available, but there really isn’t a limit on what can be used. But more on the Fan aspect. After the request is sent in, it may take some time for the request to result in a show for the Artist you’ve requested in your city. But youbloom updates you weekly through the entire process, along with putting you on to other Artists’ live performances. There’s a general Fandom of certain Artists, but there’s also those that are superFans. According to areport from Luminate, 15% of Fans in the US are superFans to particular Artists. This specific group of Fans spends 80% more than casual Fans on music, as well as spending money on vinyl and merch. This group of superFans are very loyal towards the Artists they support and would definitely want to see their favorite Artist live. The more people that request a certain Artist, the faster a request is able to result in a show and the performance can be set up. From there, the part of the Fan, aside from attending and of course promoting a show to their community, is done. You and your friends can enjoy live performances in your city just like that. If you’ve got an Artist you want to request to play in your city,sign up to and start bringing Artists you love to perform in your city.
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