By Majo Saravia
Why comarketing with another artist is the next key step in YOUR career.In an ever evolving music industry, it is increasingly challenging to get noticed and grow the fanbase you actually deserve. At first glance, it can seem much easier than it is, I mean, you´re making awesome music, so you should start seeing results, right? Well, truth is, the path to success in the music industry can seem very confusing at times, especially for independent artists, but there’s no reason to worry about this. Taking the right steps moving forward can positively help launch your career. You never know, but your big break could be happening as soon as next month with a little push! Intrigued? Let me tell you how you can partner up with another artist with the help of youbloom and start seeing actual progress in your career, after all, two is ALWAYS better than one, right? (and it won’t cost you a thing!) A lot of times, especially as an independent artist, you can find yourself a little lost and not knowing exactly what to do or who to contact to get your music out there. But you´re in luck, youbloom specializes in paving the way for artists to succeed! youbloom facilitates comarketing campaigns by matching you with another artist. The idea is to exponentiate BOTH of your careers, and ideally have you playing live shows asap! And we have done this plenty of times before so we know what we’re doing! 😉But how does this artist match happen in the first place?youbloom CARES ABOUT THE MUSIC so they make sure to find a compatible artist that has a similar sound to yours, focusing on the musical elements and the feel of your songs. Not only that, but they also take into account location when crafting the perfect match, so that eventually both of you can play in your respective cities! How cool is that?Now picture you make the (quite honestly brilliant) choice to stick with youbloom and decide to go forward and accept an artist match, what happens next?When you accept a match, you and whoever you are matched with (someone very cool) will promote each other´s music in your respective accounts for exactly one month, with each post including a link that requests YOU for a gig. MORE SHOWS, MORE TOURS, MORE FANS and ultimately MORE MUSIC. So what are you waiting for? Your next big opportunity could be a click away! With a comarketing campaign you could be looking at your first real immersion into the music world that could potentially get you playing live shows practically anywhere. Growth is based on engagement, especially in this industry, and the people want to see your performance, they want to hear their favorite songs LIVE. Think of it this way: get partnered, get promoted, and get your own gig!By getting yourself out there and doing shows, you will eventually end up getting recognition and ultimately start growing your very own fanbase! Imagine the possibilities. Go ahead and (or click the link) scan the QR code to find it out more! (Do it, it’s really worth it!) Are you interested in seeing how two is better than one?Click here to begin Comarketing with youbloom!
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